Wednesday, 24 August 2011

The Wingman Code.

Hey guys, i hope i hadn't forced you all to wait too long for this post. As you can see from the cbox, theres been a request to have a discussion about the role of a wingman, how to wingman properly, and any advice. I'll get to that shortly.  However, remember, if you read this, you hence by swear to the wingman code, and you will abide by all it's rulings.

Before I go on, every one of you, read and say out loud the wingman code:

I swear to only take one girl(guy if your a girl wingmaning a girl), and leave the rest for my bros. I swear to always help out my partner in need, respect the policy of BROS BEFORE HOES. I also swear to NEVER RACKJACK A BRO.

now that we've gotten the administrative work out of the way, lets get down to business.

So, let us first work out what "wingman" actually means.  A wingman is usually a mate that you utilise that helps you get "in" with someone that attracts you.  The wingman must be versatile, be able to perform multiple roles, but most importantly, understand that they are not the ones to score in the immediate circumstances.

What does a wingman actually do then? well, lets see how well you recall the last post.  Do we remember the seven steps? think back? yes, yes? Good. well, the wingman's role is to assist in the SEARCH, and the ICEBREAKER. first, the wingman must help his bro pick out a worthwhile female from the multitudes.  This can be done by either a slight head nod, eye movement, wink, nudge, foot tap, yawn and point, etc. something subtle. After having done so, the wingman must boost the bro's confidence in slowly encourage him to approach.  The bro just smoothes over the icebreaker.

Once the approach is done, there are two things that can happen.  If the girls are in a group, the wingman's job is to isolate the not so aesthetic ones from the target of which the bro has picked. This can be done by simply asking the other girl(s) to dance, buying them a drink, telling them some boring fantastically brilliantly bullshitted story of your life, all the while slowly edging them away from your bro and his target. Once your bro is sufficiently alone with the girl, you attempt to lose this batch in the crowd and find yourself a new target. because the whole idea is, if you can wingman a bro, u shud be smooth enough to create an artwork yourself.

The other possibility is that if they are alone already, you go with your bro and help break the ice.  DO NOT SAY ANYTHING UNLESS REQUIRED. if you do, you detract all the attention away from your bro, and effectively, you have rackjacked him. Start off with a simple "have you met _______" then don't speak again unless required.  A wingman is there to break the ice and help a bro out, so with the introduction, you break them out, and then after that your only role is to back up any con, flimflam, scam, story that your bro tells in order to complete step three (the SALE).  also, you must understand when it is time for you to exit.  Once your bro is successfully selling himself, you find an exit strategy. ALWAYS HAVE ONE PREPARED. it could be as simple as  "excuse me, bathroom" or "i need a drink, see you later". If you're good, you could make your exit strategy by icebreakering with a target, and hence slipping away from your bro leaving him in peace whilst creating your own artwork.

That being said however, there is one important note to take. THERE IS NO BETTER WINGMAN THAN YOURSELF. yes you heard me.  no matter how much a wingman can set you up, most of the work has got to be done by you.  so why not wingman yourself, be yourself (so your con doesnt need to be backed up), and just go with the flow.  Butterfly effect, and the seven steps to success.  But if you want to help out a mate, remember, less is better than more.

Quick personal experience before I go.  Helped out a mate a couple of weeks ago.  Targeted three girls at a club, extracted the least aesthetic one, giving the other two to a mate. Left them to their own devices, and I think he did fairly well. Me on the other hand, left this extracted girl, and started step one all over again. It's simple. Wingmaning is all about precision. LESS IS BETTER THAN MORE.

Hope that was instructive, keep up the feedback :)

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