Monday, 15 August 2011

All You Need Is Love?

Hey yo :) hope you all had a good night/day :) monday is usually a terrible day, i mean, who doesnt hate mondays! but we get through it, just the mundane uni, work and now home, avoiding doing some study so i can post a blog for you guys, my faithful readers ;D my day was spiced up a bit though, witnessed the most interesting fight between a half drunk indigenous Australian and a very Australian old man at Central Station. absolutely HILARIOUS :D

Heres a little story for you...i once asked a wise man to explain to me the theory of relativity (yes physics).  he replied "when you sit with the girl of your dreams for two hours, it seems like two minutes.  When you do the laundry for two minutes, it seems like two hours. That my friend, is relativity."

Even up until now, that thought has stuck with me.  however, what happens when you think you've met the girl (il use girl for this post as its easier, but for those who are interested in men, please feel free to interchange the words) of your dreams, and they are perfect in every aspect, but then they suddenly, just disappear out of your life? To meet the one that you instantly connect with, and then to never hear from them again, that should probably be one of the biggest disappointments someone must deal with.  This girl is so perfect, you cant stop thinking about her! every head that turns you wish that its them. every moment you wish you could just see them, touch them, hold them. and then you realise..."i may never see her again..."

wait wait, hold on you say. how are these so connected? how did it go from all lovey dovey to il never see you again? well, the issue is, as humans, we are not programmed to hold on. we are not programmed to think logically. we rely on emotiions, on instinct, on what our body hormones tells us.  Imagine, having instantly clicked with someone, you dont tend to take a step back and go hmm i shud slow this down, learn her name, get to know her...we all know what really happens. and by the end of it, u will part ways, possibly never see them again....

ok that sounded like a load of ramble. but there see, proves my point!! we live on emotions, and that my friends, is a complete spillage, eruption, cascade of emotional writing. stream of consciousness. Dubliners.

anyways enough of my pointless ramble.  I reached an epiphany point today.  In our modern society, we place such an emphasis on the importance of relationships to survive.  As teenagers, we tend to "look" for love, search for a relationship. we shouldnt do that at all. what we should do is enjoy life, pursue our passions, and be ourselves.  Undertake a soul search. quit your job, start a fight. and after you've been through all this  you're ready to love, be loved, and your soul mate will find you. no correction, you will find each other :)

so, how did i come to this conclusion? well i was sitting around, moping, feeling sorry for myself after a long hard day at uni. a notification pops up on my phone, telling me there was a touch football comp coming up. i became INSTANTLY excited, mood was INSTANTLY uplifted, and i realised, i was in a rut. only one thing makes me happy, only one thing can produce the same amount of dopamine as weed, and that is footyyyyy :D so i realise, by just dreaming and pursuing a passion, love,relationships etc are NOT necessary.  what we need is ourselves, and only after we can understand who we are can we extend our soul beyond our own.

ok, i think todays post is full of a lot of crap. but hey if it triggers a tiny bit of thought within you, itl be have been time worth spent :D

til laters

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