Hey readers. Hope you all had a good day? Today was a pretty gloomy day with the weather and all, but Sameer and I went on a rollercoaster ride all through the city, and discovered an unbelievable amount of coincidences that could arise in a day, but also we came to a realisation point. My posts were going to start becoming more spread out over the next couple of days and weeks, but the epiphany we hit today was just too crazy to ignore, so I must share to you guys, my valuable readers, what we discovered.
Our conclusion arose from two points, and when you joined them together, you reached our final conclusion. Firstly, we have decided that the concept of the nice, genuine, solid bloke will not get the girl any more. On observation during our last few adventures in the city, we have discovered that there are three types of relationships in the world. Theres the bloke punching extremely above his weight, which can only be possible through lots of money or hes a damn genius or some other unknown method, the fob guy and a fob chick, or just a white guy able to land whoever he pleases. A standard, solid man who works hard to pay the bills, and treats everyone nicely, and smiles all round, will never get there. They need something more, the x-factor, which is what some unaesthetic guy who is punching above his weight, somehow has.
The other thing is the butterfly effect. As we all know, theres been an EPIC movie written on it, the whole concept is based from the possibility that the wingflaps of a butterfly could cause a hurricane somewhere down the track. Therefore, in relation to what we do every day, each little thing we do or dont do, each little decision could result in a major change in our lives somewhere down the track. For example, if i decided not to post this post and gone to bed, i could have potentially missed a call that could have landed me a rewarding job. Each little decision will result in a big change later in life. You may wonder how this ties in to the previous argument? you're in for a treat...an artwork is about to unfold.
The epiphany.
Ok, so when we put these two arguments together, we realise that the butterfly effect could potentially lead to us finding the one. You see, if you watch How I Met Your Mother, the whole series is all about the little things that Ted does in order to find his wife right? Well that applies to our lives. Every little thing we do now could potentially be the cause of us meeting or missing the next train in moving on with our relationships. It could be as simple as getting up from a table or not, to deciding whether to go to USYD or UNSW. These little event are what create a chain of events that lead to your destiny, the path of your future. The thing about how some guys are more set than others is that they've found their niche, they've done all the right things already for fate to bring them and their partner together. So how does that affect us? We've decided that all we can do is just sit and wait. Roll along and be who we are, because every little thing we do will be a step towards that train. Also, rather than SEARCHING for a relationship, if we just sit back, we can be comfortable with ourselves, rather than the fake persona that usually comes out when love is being pursued against the will of fate...
So what i meant from all that mess is that we dont decide our future...fate does. Its just every little thing we do, each decision we make is the one that will lead us closer to what awaits us in the unknown blackness that we call tomorrow.
haha til the next post of ramblings,
Trevz :)
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