Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Butterflies and Hurricanes.

Hey everyone. theres a lot thats happened the last couple of days, some stuff that have upset many people, and some stuff that will tear friendships apart. The only thing i will say is that people should be able to own up to what they did, and people should be able to admit they were wrong. but all is good. one can only hope that people go back who they truly are, not some extraverted persona.

anyways, lets not dwell on such ugly issues for much longer. so what do we talk about today? well i had a request to discuss commitment...or lack there of. why is it so hard for someone to become committed? most people are under the assumption that it is the male that finds it hard to commit, claiming "one poke and their happy". statistics actually show however, that it is the female that finds it hard to commit. of all the singles in australia at the moment, 78% of them claim to be single by choice and "fear of commitment. Of that 78%, 69% are females. that is proportionally MUCH higher than the male share. Furthermore, of all females surveyed, 95% said that if they were out on a friday or saturday night without a male companion around, they would actively look for someone to "hook up" with. (Yiu, 2011).

Statistics dont lie, but there must be some sort of motivation behind these statistics. There can be a few reasons as to why people find it hard to commit. The first and foremost is fear. As humans, one of our basic needs is to belong. what most people are scared of is being let down.  The feeling of isolation and loneliness is one that most people find hard to deal with, the thought of being not wanted anymore cuts down deep.  The ones that are most affected by this factor are those that generally have been let down before.  they shy away from relationships because they dont want to experience that disappointment again, they dont want to feel as if their whole world is breaking down around them.

another possible motivation is the love of "the Game".  There are some people out there that enjoy the chase so much that when a girl starts becoming attracted to them they instantly lose interest.  I've written briefly about the enjoyment in a previous post (maybe an elaborate post later? you tell me), but anyways, the  captivation of chasing, the enjoyment of living on the edge of an emotional rollercoaster gives a high that sometimes a real rollercoaster cant provide.  commitment just doesnt come naturally to these people, but eventually, they will meet the right one and settle down. its always the butterfly effect.

the other possible motivation are those that are way too concerned with the future and forget about the present.  Some people drown themselves in their career, some people are unwilling to commit to one that they know may not be the one, and some people just want to live life without boundaries.  Looking into the future
is important, but forgetting about the present will destroy you.  Enjoy the life that you live, look forward into the future, but don't let your eyesight go bad. because whatever you see in the crystal ball your mind creates is never the reality you live in.

At the end of the day, the choice to commit is one that is personal, but one that can lead to both dire consequences and unbounded happiness.  Whatever you choose, be guided by the wingflaps of the butterfly. Let fate decide your future, but control fate as a butterfly can control a hurricane.


Friday, 26 August 2011

If today...

Hey guys. Hope your week has been good, i'm feeling so drained today. This week has been hectic, just doing so much work for uni, and also for my LMUS. Hopefully the workload lightens up a little bit, for now though, i'm looking forward to intervarsity sport on Sep10 ( YES EVERYONE SHOULD COME WATCH :D ) and the COMSOC Ball. ahh the ball. asking people to the ball seems reminiscent of yr 12 formal...but once you as someone you never know what could happen.

So today, what I want to talk about is regrets.  I'm sorry to the people that have given me many discussion topics, but this one came up today, and i just really REALLY have to address it, because its just the right question to address.  sorry ;(

anyways, so i was speaking to a mate today on the train, and being all Fight Club and all, i asked him, if this train was to crash now, would you have any regrets, and what would they be? this got us thinking, and it got me thinking too. what would my regrets be? would i have any? and what would my last words be?  My mate gave me quite some interesting responses, but they were his experiences not mine. But we both agreed that there would be three things that would leave us thinking "what if".

the first experience that i would miss was that for ONE SECOND i could taste true success.  To see other people in the city walking around happy, set, a worthwhile career and a solid relationship, it has always made me think, one day i will be like that. my greatest aspiracion. For just one second, if I could just sit down, turn to the bloke next to me and go "mate, I'm set" would be the greatest moment of my life.

the second would be that i had not visited any of the great architectural designs of churches in Europe, mainly Spain, Italy and Portugal.  Being Catholic, it has always  been my dream to go to Europe and visit as many of these amazing structures as i can.  If i could for even just ONE HOUR experience Mass inside St Peters Basilica, or even just sit there, it would make my life complete.  This is the regret of not having completed the pilgrimage of my religion, the core values that I uphold throughout my life yet having never delivered them to reality.  The regret of not having seen the greatest artworks God ever set mankind to create.

The last was that I had not, in my ONE and only LIFETIME loved, and been loved in return with my soul partner.  One day I will find them, one day, but til then, I still havent.  My regret was that I hadn't committed myself to anyone yet, my inability to move beyond my selfish needs and extend my spirit for someone else to share.  But then, it can't be rushed, the butterfly effect decrees that all things will come. So i guess i can't really say that I was inable, but i guess the core of my regret was that I didn't do the little things right for the butterfly effect to take care of it.

So how do we plan to avoid having regrets then? we can't. because theres no way we can predict when our last minute will be.  The only thing we can do is do the little things right for the butterfly effect to take place, and to live as unselfishly as we can, smiling, shining our true selves so that we dont get trapped in the funnel of darkness of materialism.

If this train were to derail, what would your regrets be?


Wednesday, 24 August 2011

The Wingman Code.

Hey guys, i hope i hadn't forced you all to wait too long for this post. As you can see from the cbox, theres been a request to have a discussion about the role of a wingman, how to wingman properly, and any advice. I'll get to that shortly.  However, remember, if you read this, you hence by swear to the wingman code, and you will abide by all it's rulings.

Before I go on, every one of you, read and say out loud the wingman code:

I swear to only take one girl(guy if your a girl wingmaning a girl), and leave the rest for my bros. I swear to always help out my partner in need, respect the policy of BROS BEFORE HOES. I also swear to NEVER RACKJACK A BRO.

now that we've gotten the administrative work out of the way, lets get down to business.

So, let us first work out what "wingman" actually means.  A wingman is usually a mate that you utilise that helps you get "in" with someone that attracts you.  The wingman must be versatile, be able to perform multiple roles, but most importantly, understand that they are not the ones to score in the immediate circumstances.

What does a wingman actually do then? well, lets see how well you recall the last post.  Do we remember the seven steps? think back? yes, yes? Good. well, the wingman's role is to assist in the SEARCH, and the ICEBREAKER. first, the wingman must help his bro pick out a worthwhile female from the multitudes.  This can be done by either a slight head nod, eye movement, wink, nudge, foot tap, yawn and point, etc. something subtle. After having done so, the wingman must boost the bro's confidence in slowly encourage him to approach.  The bro just smoothes over the icebreaker.

Once the approach is done, there are two things that can happen.  If the girls are in a group, the wingman's job is to isolate the not so aesthetic ones from the target of which the bro has picked. This can be done by simply asking the other girl(s) to dance, buying them a drink, telling them some boring fantastically brilliantly bullshitted story of your life, all the while slowly edging them away from your bro and his target. Once your bro is sufficiently alone with the girl, you attempt to lose this batch in the crowd and find yourself a new target. because the whole idea is, if you can wingman a bro, u shud be smooth enough to create an artwork yourself.

The other possibility is that if they are alone already, you go with your bro and help break the ice.  DO NOT SAY ANYTHING UNLESS REQUIRED. if you do, you detract all the attention away from your bro, and effectively, you have rackjacked him. Start off with a simple "have you met _______" then don't speak again unless required.  A wingman is there to break the ice and help a bro out, so with the introduction, you break them out, and then after that your only role is to back up any con, flimflam, scam, story that your bro tells in order to complete step three (the SALE).  also, you must understand when it is time for you to exit.  Once your bro is successfully selling himself, you find an exit strategy. ALWAYS HAVE ONE PREPARED. it could be as simple as  "excuse me, bathroom" or "i need a drink, see you later". If you're good, you could make your exit strategy by icebreakering with a target, and hence slipping away from your bro leaving him in peace whilst creating your own artwork.

That being said however, there is one important note to take. THERE IS NO BETTER WINGMAN THAN YOURSELF. yes you heard me.  no matter how much a wingman can set you up, most of the work has got to be done by you.  so why not wingman yourself, be yourself (so your con doesnt need to be backed up), and just go with the flow.  Butterfly effect, and the seven steps to success.  But if you want to help out a mate, remember, less is better than more.

Quick personal experience before I go.  Helped out a mate a couple of weeks ago.  Targeted three girls at a club, extracted the least aesthetic one, giving the other two to a mate. Left them to their own devices, and I think he did fairly well. Me on the other hand, left this extracted girl, and started step one all over again. It's simple. Wingmaning is all about precision. LESS IS BETTER THAN MORE.

Hope that was instructive, keep up the feedback :)

Monday, 22 August 2011

Step One...

Hey all. Its been a while, hope your weekend was good. mine was rather fantastic, lots of study, and then went out for dinner with some mates on sunday nite. The weather was a bit all over the place I must admit, but hopefully it will clear up, coz im keen for a spot of fishing this weekend. Yes, i know, its only monday and im already thinking about the weekend but hey, if thats what gets me through the week who are you to dictate the way i live? :P

So. I said I wanted feedback, I wanted discussion topics, I wanted your opinion. I was asked to write about the process of how two people end up in a relationship together. If you know me well enough, you all know that i DONT do relationships in general. Today's post mite be a little abstract, and a little inaccurate, but i will do your best. this is after all, as they say, "your party".

So lets see. Before i begin, I will admit one thing...I am one that LOVES the chase. to live on the knife's edge between winning them over and losing them forever...thats the kind of thrill that sends shivers up my spine. Yes, I may sound like a tool for playing with emotions but hey, wer all emotionally unstable as teenagers, why not push ourselves to the limit? at the end of the day though, sometimes I do go too far, and many have told me that a girl is attractive to me until the point that she starts to like me. maybe that's true, maybe it's not. anyways, lets hit the road.

Step one THE SEARCH. you have to pick them out from the multitudes that exist. to you they must stand out. You have to find that x-factor, and when it pushes your nozzles, then you know it's a go. Picking them out isnt so easy though...for example, if you walk into USYD, theres THOUSANDS of beautiful women/men there to choose from. not only that, you have to cull out the ones that are taken (unless you're a douche and want to get punched in the face, ie you want to ride that knife's edge :L). Pick your target, quick rate, quick background check (thats what smartphones are for) and then close in.

Step two THE ICEBREAKER. now this is the hardest part that requires the most finesse. no amount of reading and analysing "The Game" (although it is a brilliant book) or rote learning Barney Stinson's Playbook will get you through this step if you LACK CONFIDENCE.  You've already picked them out from the pack, you've decided they're worthy.  It is important that you approach them with your true personality. A fake persona may get you over the line for about 2 minutes MAX. you have to hold yourself high, believe in yourself, and if you get shut down, well, walk away, coz they arent worth your time. remember, its ALWAYS their loss, never yours.  the ball is always in your court.  Barney Stinson always gets the yes, and there is a reason for it. "make yourself the prize, not them". give the illusion of the chase but in reality they are chasing you.

Step three THE SALE. this part is the easiest. you've already broken the ice, hopefully its not awkward or uncomfortable anymore.  All you need to do is be yourself, and maintain a healthy conversation. to some people this may be hard, but just do some stock standard conversation topics like name (not necessary), where are they from, what are they doing, work, uni, school etc. just maintain a conversation, but the whole time you gather information about them. this is where you decide whether to continue pursuing or not, based on the information you collect.

Step four THE CLOSE. this involves a lot of delicate procedures.  you have to play it right or you lose it all completely. What happens here is based off completely what you want from this person.  If you decide no more, you say thanks and walk away. dont talk any more. leave it. finish. zip.  If you want something short term with them, move in fast with the kiss. bam boom hopefully your bed broke, i dont know. if you want something more long term well, you simply make sure you can see them again. asking for their facebook is NOT a good idea. stick to phone number and name, and use pen and paper if possible. technology usually fucks everything up. Notice i didnt tell you how to approach the close. this is because each move is unique to each individual. it is up to you to discover your own style, because it is your personality that wins them over, much more so than whatever trick, scam, con, flimflam or artwork can.

Step five THE FIRST DATE. the first date is always the hardest. why? because you dont know much about the person and lets face it, all you want to do is get in their pants. JOKING you ask them on a date purely because you want to get to know them better. do not expect ANYTHING from this date, but if you do get something, your doing very well. good first date idea is movie. why? because you dont need to say anything. to test compatibility, you first need to see how comfortable you are sitting next to each other. furthermore, after the movie you get a chance to have a conversational topic regarding the movie (unless your a damn aesthetic god/goddess and spent it all hooking it up in there on the first date. if so, RESPECT.) also, a crucial point is, if your a guy, pay for the girl, if your a girl, attempt to argue but dont have any intention of paying. why? coz the guy likes to feel as if hes the big man and can support you. if the guy says ok to him not paying for you, leave. coz thats just rude.

ASIDE: this is the point where i usually end most relationships. if iv gone any further with you, feel honoured. this is the bit where i start to struggle, so bear with me.

Step six WATCH EACH OTHER EAT. if the first date feels like a success, both parties will know. either one, the girl will say when do i see you again, or two, the guy says il call you. at this stage, you must be comfortable enough to eat with each other. sounds petty, but if one of you is embarrassed to eat in front of the other, then its not going to work.  you're either going to have to go back to the drawing board, or its time to move on.

Step seven THE END. yes its the end. its time we say RIP to the mates that we've lost due to getting whipped. whether we like it or not, all males in a relationship are whipped. i cant really say much about this because iv never been this far with anyone. maybe one day, but not today.

So, there you have it, the breakdown of how relationships form, from the initial pick up all the way down to the day we lose a good comrade.  Please dont try too many of the tricks iv mentioned on too many people though...or else eventually you'll turn into a shell that knows nothing but the comforts of their extraverted ego. :)

til laterz

Friday, 19 August 2011

The Butterfly Effect.

Hey readers. Hope you all had a good day? Today was a pretty gloomy day with the weather and all, but Sameer and I went on a rollercoaster ride all through the city, and discovered an unbelievable amount of coincidences that could arise in a day, but also we came to a realisation point. My posts were going to start becoming more spread out over the next couple of days and weeks, but the epiphany we hit today was just too crazy to ignore, so I must share to you guys, my valuable readers, what we discovered.

Our conclusion arose from two points, and when you joined them together, you reached our final conclusion. Firstly, we have decided that the concept of the nice, genuine, solid bloke will not get the girl any more. On observation during our last few adventures in the city, we have discovered that there are three types of relationships in the world. Theres the bloke punching extremely above his weight, which can only be possible through lots of money or hes a damn genius or some other unknown method, the fob guy and a fob chick, or just a white guy able to land whoever he pleases. A standard, solid man who works hard to pay the bills, and treats everyone nicely, and smiles all round, will never get there. They need something more, the x-factor, which is what some unaesthetic guy who is punching above his weight, somehow has.

The other thing is the butterfly effect. As we all know, theres been an EPIC movie written on it, the whole concept is based from the possibility that the wingflaps of a butterfly could cause a hurricane somewhere down the track. Therefore, in relation to what we do every day, each little thing we do or dont do, each little decision could result in a major change in our lives somewhere down the track. For example, if i decided not to post this post and gone to bed, i could have potentially missed a call that could have landed me a rewarding job. Each little decision will result in a big change later in life. You may wonder how this ties in to the previous argument? you're in for a treat...an artwork is about to unfold.

The epiphany.
Ok, so when we put these two arguments together, we realise that the butterfly effect could potentially lead to us finding the one. You see, if you watch How I Met Your Mother, the whole series is all about the little things that Ted does in order to find his wife right? Well that applies to our lives. Every little thing we do now could potentially be the cause of us meeting or missing the next train in moving on with our relationships. It could be as simple as getting up from a table or not, to deciding whether to go to USYD or UNSW. These little event are what create a chain of events that lead to your destiny, the path of your future. The thing about how some guys are more set than others is that they've found their niche, they've done all the right things already for fate to bring them and their partner together. So how does that affect us? We've decided that all we can do is just sit and wait. Roll along and be who we are, because every little thing we do will be a step towards that train. Also, rather than SEARCHING for a relationship, if we just sit back, we can be comfortable with ourselves, rather than the fake persona that usually comes out when love is being pursued against the will of fate...

So what i meant from all that mess is that we dont decide our future...fate does. Its just every little thing we do, each decision we make is the one that will lead us closer to what awaits us in the unknown blackness that we call tomorrow.

haha til the next post of ramblings,
Trevz :)

Thursday, 18 August 2011

The Rules of Break Up

Hey readers. How we all doing today? Today was an alrite day, uni and music lessons, really quiet. Some rocking and shocking events in terms of scandal and gossip but apart from that, it was a pretty nice day.

So recently, a couple of my mates have gone through some breakups after a couple of serious relationships. Being quite the unattached bloke myself, I've taken a couple of notes from everyone's interactions with people, and iv come up with a few tips on dealing with a break up. These are FAILSAFE ways to bounce back from a relationship, and feel much better as soon as you can.

A simple framework of 5 steps, should have you feeling fit and fine as soon as possible.

1. Write down ten reasons why you're better off without them. come on quit crying, wipe them away.  Get out a piece of paper and write down all your emotions. It may sound corny but it works.  Write down ten reasons why you can survive better without them, how your life is just going to go on fine without them, and that theres more waiting for you out in the world.

2. Get a good night's sleep. Again it sounds like its straight out from a movie script, but it WORKS.  Sleeping lets you relax, and you can release all that tension and pain in the shoulders from the crying, also sleeping it off is a good remedy for everything.

3. Go on a "rebound" date.  By this I dont mean go out and hook up with just some random, thats just whoring yourself out there when you're emotionally unstable. No, what you should do is go out and hang with your closest friends, the ones that know what will get u going again.  Maybe go out to watch the footy if you're a guy, or if you're a girl go shopping! Just hang out with your friends, the ones you had given up to hang with your now ex, coz mates are always there for you.

4.. Eat some icecream, preferably chocolate icecream. Chocolate is scientifically proven to elevate mood and happiness, as is ice cream.  This is because it acts as a cannibinoid mimic, increasing anandamide levels and the production of dopamine.  Dopamine is the feel good hormone, which is spiked in production when cannabis or cocaine is used.  Chocolate ice cream has a similar effect, it elevates your mood.  Dopamine is essential to feel good, so why not get high in a legal way when you're feeling down :) also, chocolate icecream tastes damn good :P

5. Whatever you do, don't go NEAR "The Notebook". this speaks for itself I think.  Watch the Notebook and I guarantee you will be in tears and feeling like a sack of cowdung by the end of it.

So there you have it, the secret to getting over a breakup! Those out there, I hope you find your way back into the playing field soon. for those pretty girls that need a shoulder to cry on, mine's always available ;) jokess haha. Remember, all's fair in love and war, just make sure that no matter what you always come out strong, smiling, because the one for you will come.

Keep smiling readers :)

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Worth a THOUSAND posts.

I can't post today. Not after seeing this. I just can't compete. Presenting my mate from uni, SUPERMAN! aka d.webb.


Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Ethical Behaviour?

Hello readers :) today was a pretty good day, apart from the random burst of rain at about 12 :L gymmed early this morning with chinmay and nicholas fed off donuts from the ICAA event (thanks Mel :D ) and then two rather boring lectures, and then a solid arvo in the city, bought a pair of shoes and did a quick gym sesh. good end to the day.

Anyways, I was speaking to a mate today, and we were questioning the ethics of a private tutoring business.  As we all know, most people in uni do tutor some younger students at some stage of their life, mostly for a little bit of pocket money.  I have no problem with that, in fact I find it perfectly ok.  However, I discovered today, that some people have been creating an entire business behind closed doors, accepting cash only, splurging it on a new car, and walking around cocky, as if they were boss.  For those that know me, the people i dislike most are the ones that are cocky and act as if they are on top of you, as if they totally squash you.  So I will admit, I am prejudiced against the individual in this case already, but after finding out what he does I just could not understand how one could deal with such unethical behaviour.  First, if they intake enough students to purchase a car within a year, good on you, open a tutoring college. isnt that what all the colleges are? just some genius students who want to assist others in their studies.  THAT is the core of tutoring, the core value, the core ideal.

So, continuing on with the story.  If you have that much income, it is only fair that you get an ABN, and pay taxes right? I mean that will provide you with benefits too, you could claim half your expenses back on tax.  However, choosing to evade from the ATO, stashing money away, spending it, I find that just so low.  By evading taxes, you are cheating the government, cheating your clients but most of all you cheat the working class Australian.  Your argument may be "I got such a good ATAR i have a right to be ok", shut the FUCK up, you dont.  What gives you the right to subvert the law? what gives you the right to not pay taxes, whilst a working class Australian that works their ARSE off every day at a construction site has to pay tax, pay a mortgage and also support a family? have you no heart!? just because you were gifted with some intelligence does not give you the right to undermine the law....just makes me so angry at how unethical some people can be.

Just to make things clear, I have nothing against people tutoring others, in fact i encourage those that find that they are struggling to seek others for help.  But when someone who offers these services decides to make a truckload and run away with it, its just not right.  Unethical. For those that tutor others for some pocket money, no problem. but when you cheat the Australian public, then we have an issue.

[bit of a different post to usual ay]

stay awesome readers, and spread my blog! :)

Monday, 15 August 2011

All You Need Is Love?

Hey yo :) hope you all had a good night/day :) monday is usually a terrible day, i mean, who doesnt hate mondays! but we get through it, just the mundane uni, work and now home, avoiding doing some study so i can post a blog for you guys, my faithful readers ;D my day was spiced up a bit though, witnessed the most interesting fight between a half drunk indigenous Australian and a very Australian old man at Central Station. absolutely HILARIOUS :D

Heres a little story for you...i once asked a wise man to explain to me the theory of relativity (yes physics).  he replied "when you sit with the girl of your dreams for two hours, it seems like two minutes.  When you do the laundry for two minutes, it seems like two hours. That my friend, is relativity."

Even up until now, that thought has stuck with me.  however, what happens when you think you've met the girl (il use girl for this post as its easier, but for those who are interested in men, please feel free to interchange the words) of your dreams, and they are perfect in every aspect, but then they suddenly, just disappear out of your life? To meet the one that you instantly connect with, and then to never hear from them again, that should probably be one of the biggest disappointments someone must deal with.  This girl is so perfect, you cant stop thinking about her! every head that turns you wish that its them. every moment you wish you could just see them, touch them, hold them. and then you realise..."i may never see her again..."

wait wait, hold on you say. how are these so connected? how did it go from all lovey dovey to il never see you again? well, the issue is, as humans, we are not programmed to hold on. we are not programmed to think logically. we rely on emotiions, on instinct, on what our body hormones tells us.  Imagine, having instantly clicked with someone, you dont tend to take a step back and go hmm i shud slow this down, learn her name, get to know her...we all know what really happens. and by the end of it, u will part ways, possibly never see them again....

ok that sounded like a load of ramble. but there see, proves my point!! we live on emotions, and that my friends, is a complete spillage, eruption, cascade of emotional writing. stream of consciousness. Dubliners.

anyways enough of my pointless ramble.  I reached an epiphany point today.  In our modern society, we place such an emphasis on the importance of relationships to survive.  As teenagers, we tend to "look" for love, search for a relationship. we shouldnt do that at all. what we should do is enjoy life, pursue our passions, and be ourselves.  Undertake a soul search. quit your job, start a fight. and after you've been through all this  you're ready to love, be loved, and your soul mate will find you. no correction, you will find each other :)

so, how did i come to this conclusion? well i was sitting around, moping, feeling sorry for myself after a long hard day at uni. a notification pops up on my phone, telling me there was a touch football comp coming up. i became INSTANTLY excited, mood was INSTANTLY uplifted, and i realised, i was in a rut. only one thing makes me happy, only one thing can produce the same amount of dopamine as weed, and that is footyyyyy :D so i realise, by just dreaming and pursuing a passion, love,relationships etc are NOT necessary.  what we need is ourselves, and only after we can understand who we are can we extend our soul beyond our own.

ok, i think todays post is full of a lot of crap. but hey if it triggers a tiny bit of thought within you, itl be have been time worth spent :D

til laters

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Yellow Card, Red Card.

Welcome back, post 2. big day ay :P lol nah just a really chill sunday, good explosion work today in the gym, and did a bit of study. Sorry to the person I couldnt meet up with at Circular Quay today, I just couldnt quite make it, hope you accept my public apology :P il make it up to you :)

So, in response to my first post back yesterday, i think one of my paragraphs caused a little bit of controversy.  I vented out a little frustration for my mate, and the responses ranged from "ITS ALL LIES" to "this wouldnt have happened if you were a nice guy" to "OMG so true".  That's good, that's exactly what i want.  I want your input, your opinions, your views.  This blog exists for YOU.

So, to address these responses.  Firstly, they cant be lies because they actually DID happen.  These events are true, and its sad but people actually do get left at the altar (figuratively), its not just Ted Mosby. How would you feel if you were very close to someone of the opposite gender, and at times it felt like there was something more, it felt like there could be something more, and the feelings were reciprocated?  Furthermore, they talk to you everyday, they say they can't live without you, your just genuinely a really really nice person, you treat them like the only person that matters in the world. sounds perfect right?

you go away for a 3 day camp. yes, 3 days.

when you get back, THEY ARE WITH SOMEONE ELSE. how do you react? go. well, this is the teenage/dating years equivalent of getting left at the altar. sounds really fairytale ay? well im telling you, there are people out there in the world THAT ARE LIKE THAT. so its not lies.

Notice that the one that got shut down was genuinely nice, a non-douchebaggy kind of person.  [for ease of typing il refer to them from now on as a male, but girls this can apply to you too.]  HE was the one that got ripped to pieces, heart broken, left a changed man.  So how does one react? well obviously they would do what would boost their confidence all over again, and as mates, as bros it is in their duty to help them get through these periods.  what you see on the outside, you may consider overconfidence, cockiness, possibly dickheadness, but at the end of the day, its just the phase that an individual must go through to regain what was lost after another human being destroys their whole essence.  This just completely proves the theory that nice guys never win.  If you look into all relationships, including your own, your partner is never just a nice guy.  To you they may be, but to everyone else, they could be different, it could be to one particular person even, but at the end of the day, NO ONE is a genuinely nice guy. everyone has a streak in them which is just cold, rough, dark, douche. as a human you cant kid yourself.  being the "nice guy" will never work, because such a model does not exist. just be urself. its the one that can accept you for who you are, dark streak and all, that truly deserves you.

Speaking of something else, let's look at blog title.  Yes, as you can see on facebook and on the news, Joey Barton of Newcastle United and Gervinho, of Arsenal caused quite some controversy today, and the refereeing of the world game is again brought into question. My opinion? Gervinho was the one that was in the wrong first, taking a dive. That should have been a yellow card, end of story.  You cant blame him too much though, the French league is much less physical than the EPL.  However, Barton was in the wrong to tell him about it.  Yes it was a good introduction for Gervinho into the big league, and yes Barton was perfectly in his rights to give him a mouthful, however, both the boys getting heated should have resolved like the real men in NRL do, a bit of shirt tugging maybe a punch or too, then end of story, get on with the game.  Both of them carried on like prima donna's.  Gervinho did two things wrong, I think the red card was deserved.  Barton I think should also have been redcarded, but at the end of the day, his was a borderline call, im not too fussed about his yellow card.  I think that it was good though, its about time those princesses in EPL toughened up, stop taking dives, and get on with the game. you're paid to play football, not act the next episode of the Bold and the Beautiful.

Signing off,

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Turn On. Tune In. Trev'z back.

omfg it has REALLY been a long time since iv blogged. yes my old blog is dead. yes blogging got tedious. but hey i figured, lets try and get something back in to my life. kinda like a diary u know? yes trev is back, and more brutal than ever.

So of those that remember my last blog before it got shut down by the blogger police, it was a lot about yr12, just a little tracker of how i would change throughout my years. who knew that the variance would be so high! (excuse statistics math1005) this time though, its not going to be so narrow. the blogs gonna have anything, everything.  there'll be football, style guide, women. but most importantly, this blog will be about YOU. if you've got any suggestions, just post a comment, or maybe the just drop a line in the chat box. this time its different. il write a lot of stuff that i want to write about, but then, its all for you guys as well. i mean whats the point of me writing this stuff without followers? it IS a spectator sport haha :P also, with uni work and all, there mite not be time for a post every night! but hey il do my best...spectator sport.

so, it really has been a while. lets go through whats happened since my last post on the old site. HSC finished up, university has kicked in.  first semester's flown by, and im frikking loving uni.  i mean, what isnt there to love? women, no teachers telling you to shut up, all the freedom in the world to do whatever you want! you can BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE. yes indeed, INDIVIDUALISM. its encouraged to be your own man (woman for those picky feminists). it is not perfection or a mould that they seek, rather it is the diamond with the rough edges that stand out to be special. unique. beautiful.

anyways, moving into the present. last nite was probably one of the best nights out iv had! for the first time, usyd comsoc and unsw bsoc came together to bring Sydney "BEAT", the dance party event of the year! literally, let the drink flow, and the women roll. ohmagod never saw so many beautiful asian women in one room at the same time IN MY LIFE. amazing. set up a couple of my buddies and hey it almost came off. but for me, met someone that probably changed my perspective on life. lets see how that goes...maybe.

speaking of women, a close mate of mine has been getting chopped down hard by the reactions of women to him. i dont understand, why are girls so hard to get? why do they deliver mixed emotions and such confusing messages? the thing is, us guys are SIMPLE. YES WE ADMIT IT. we LIKE being told what to do by a woman. we dont like having to decipher through the complex codes u give us, and at the end of the day GET THE WRONG MESSAGE and end up broken. yes, for A WEEK this said friend was not himself. no smile, no appetite. no need to shit, coz everything was getting thrown up. yes women, men have emotions too (maybe not me though), and yes, we dont like them tested. even those that love playing the player, love being the don juan, eventually we will want to settle down, i mean look at barney stinson! he eventually fell for someone (no spoilers please), and all of us guys are the same. in fact i am no exception. all of us are waiting for the sign from one of u girls out there. please, just give us a SIGN.

anyways, pretty lengthy post for my first one back but hey, iv missed you guys. let the ink flow, the thoughts roll, and the blog grow.

this is trev, signing back on.